The LSU fig tree is cold sensitive and does very well in warmer climates and thrives in hot, humid areas. The fruit on the LSU is dark purple and glossy and contains a high sugar content. This fig variety was created by the agricultural college of Louisiana State University for superior disease resistance and delicious fruit. The LSU fig has three fruiting seasons meaning you can have figs most of the year. You can expect a light crop in spring, your main crop in mid-summer and a late crop in November or December. Perfect for eating fresh, dehydrating or making jams and preserves.
Plant in full sun and well-drained soil. The LSU fig tree is self-pollinating, but planting pollinating partners can increase the size of your crops. Average height 8′ – 10′ and width 8′ – 10′. USDA hardiness zones 7 – 10.
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